Hymenoplasty: Doing Hymen Reconstruction

Hymenoplasty in Delhi, a type of surgery that is also classified as female intimate surgery or cosmetic surgery, is a surgical procedure belonging to the specialty of plastic surgery and gynecological surgery that lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and consists of restoring the hymen, a fleshy membrane of ring shape located at the entrance of the vagina whose physiological function is not clear and whose social value in some cultures lies in guaranteeing female virginity.

When the hymen is torn after sexual contact, the membrane breaks in the form of a “star” and the woman bleeds from the rupture of the hymen, therefore in hymenoplasty the hymen is reconstructed by plastic surgeon in Delhi through different processes and a small hole is left for the exit of menstruation and other fluids. The stitches reabsorb on their own.

Techniques for performing a hymenoplasty in Delhi

The simplest is the one in which the remains that may remain of the hymen are simply joined by applying local anaesthesia. It can only be done in some cases where the break is small.

You can also use a tearable biological material that is implanted at the entrance of the vagina in a way that mimics the “virginal” hymen, a technique similar to creating a membrane with a blood supply.

Vaginoplasty in Delhi can be performed, in which an incision is made on both sides of the mucosa that lines the vaginal walls and joins each other. Unlike the other two techniques, in this case, you must wait a while before having sexual intercourse since you have to give time for recovery and healing. A rest of at least 24 hours after surgery is recommended by best plastic surgeon in Delhi.

The risks of undergoing a hymenoplasty in Delhi are:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Infection in the treated area
  • Hemorrhage
  • Bladder or rectal damage (rare complication)

After surgery, the hymen will behave in the same way as before the first sexual intercourse, and the woman will even feel pain and bleed again as in “her first time”.

Influence of culture in the reconstruction of the hymen

It is a highly requested surgical practice for women whose culture places great importance on a woman’s virginity and in which the so-called Virginity Test is practiced, a procedure that determines if a woman is a virgin. The test consists of an inspection of the hymen, assuming that it can only be broken as a result of sexual intercourse.

It emerged as a solution for those women who, without being virgins, wanted to appear on their wedding night. The most consecrated reasons for this are the rejection of one’s own family and/or the husband’s family, as well as the rejection of one’s future spouse.

The reconstruction of the hymen or hymenoplasty can, therefore, be an option for women who, due to social or family pressure, must arrive virgins at marriage, says the best plastic surgeon in Delhi.

It is necessary to know that there may be several reasons other than having had intercourse for which the woman may not have a hymen or not bleed during the first intercourse, such as:

  • One in a thousand women are born without a hymen.
  • Up to 44% of women do not experience blood loss during first intercourse, which means that in some cultures where bleeding is tested, it would not occur.
  • The hymen can be broken by the introduction of a finger or a tampon into the vagina.
  • Practice exercises such as horse riding, swimming, cycling, or gymnastics.
  • Excessive menstrual flow.

Vaginal surgery: no longer a taboo subject

Plastic surgical interventions in the vaginal area – yes, the entire area of ​​intimate surgery – were considered a taboo subject for decades. This has changed more and more in recent years. A real trend around the topics of vaginal beautification and rejuvenation was triggered. Women feel less and less that they have to be ashamed or justify having an operation in the genital area. Find out everything you need to know about this topic here.

Using vaginal surgery for optimal self-esteem?

Everyone has their own ideas about the optimal appearance of the face and different parts of the body. Aesthetic and plastic surgery opens up the possibility of effectively correcting problem areas. A wide variety of interventions are conceivable, from the face (e.g. using wrinkle treatment) to the female breast (breast augmentation in Delhi) to the genital area.

A cosmetic surgery in the area of ​​the vagina can increase self-esteem. Not because you look the way society says you should, but because you make individual decisions about your own body. A strengthening, liberating feeling of independence sets in.

The perfect vagina – does it even exist?

As with all parts of the body and also the different regions of the face, there is no “one” perfect vagina. Beauty ideals, wishes and goals differ from person to person. Correspondingly personally, Dr. Tandon responds to your needs, requirements and ideas. After all, it’s about your body – and you should feel comfortable in your own skin in the long run.

Terms such as “Barbie vagina” or “designer vagina” are often used in the context of intimate surgery. It is said that the intimate area – especially the labia – should look as youthful and as inconspicuous as possible – just like with Barbie. It is quite possible to perform a labiaplasty and have the overall appearance of the intimate area look more youthful. Ultimately, Plastic surgeon in Delhi will discuss your goals and ideas with you in detail and use them to develop a treatment plan. A “scheme F” or a “standard treatment” is neither the goal nor the claim of a reputable plastic and aesthetic surgeon.

Which cosmetic surgeries for the vagina are there?

If one speaks of intimate surgery or operations in the area of ​​the vagina, not everyone necessarily knows what is meant. Various interventions in the context of vaginal surgery are possible and can be combined in some cases – talk to Dr. Tandon Just point it out. Procedures in the intimate area include, for example:

  • Labia correction – as a rule, the inner or outer labia are surgically reduced.
  • An autologous fat transfer in the intimate area: Autologous fat can be used to pad outer labia that are perceived as too small or sagging.
  • A “vaginal operation” to narrow the vagina. Many women want this result, for example after pregnancy. This vaginoplasty in Delhi often includes a vaginal tightening or vaginal correction
  • A reduction or tightening of the cap over the clitoris. This procedure makes the genitals look younger and can also lead to improved stimulation during sexual intercourse.
  • A suction of the mons pubis. This also gives the transition from the intimate area to the stomach a nice contour.

Intimate treatments from experts in Delhi

Since the pubic area is considered a sensitive, very intimate zone, interventions in this region should only be carried out by a reputable expert. The specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery Dr. Ashok Tandon has many years of experience in intimate surgery. 

Of course, if you wish, it is possible for a female employee to attend the treatment in his practice in Delhi. The consultation, examination and treatment are carried out discreetly and in a relaxed atmosphere by best plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Abdominoplasty step by step

Abdominoplasty is one of the most common procedures of Plastic Surgery in Delhi to correct the waistline. Abdominoplasty is an abdominal plastic surgery to remove excess skin in the region. It can be performed on men and women who want to correct different conditions, such as:

  • sagging: people with excess flaccidity in the abdomen and who cannot eliminate it with methods such as diets, physical exercises or other aesthetic procedures;
  • stretch marks: excess stretch marks in the abdomen region can also be eliminated with the procedure if it is associated with sagging;
  • Diastasis: consists of the separation between the rectus abdominis muscles 
  • Muscle weakness: Patients with muscle weakness in the abdominal region may also undergo surgery to promote stabilization of the abdominal wall.

Although not the only cases, these situations are common in post-pregnancy, patients who underwent bariatric surgery or who lost a lot of weight in a short time.

Genetic factors are also related to a greater predisposition to skin accumulation and sagging in the abdominal region, explains the Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi.

Abdominoplasty Steps

Abdominoplasty in Delhi is performed with epidural or spinal anesthesia with intravenous sedation for the patient to sleep, or with general anesthesia when associated with other surgeries, such as liposuction. Therefore, this surgery is always performed in the hospital.

After asepsis of the skin, the surgeon makes the incision lines: in general, the first is made in the pubis, from one hip to the other, and the second from the first in a vertical direction, passing around the navel. Then the tissue is lifted to expose the abdominal muscles, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi.

In this way, the surgeon can sew the muscles that are strained. Afterwards, the skin that was lifted to expose the muscles is repositioned, passing over the navel, which will be hidden (as it is attached to the internal abdominal wall).

To expose the belly button again, the surgeon makes a hole in the tissue around it. Then, the excess skin and fat are removed from the original incision, in order to solve the problem of sagging.

The next step is to insert the drains to prevent fluid build-up and suture the incisions. Finally, dressings are made and the patient is dressed in the compression garment. The surgery takes 2 to 3 hours, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

Types of Abdominoplasty

Above, we have described the classic tummy tuck step-by-step, but there are other variations of this procedure. Learn more about them:

  • Classic abdominoplasty : this is the most traditional method, which aims to remove excess skin and correct muscle sagging. It is recommended for patients with large excess skin and significant spread of abdominal muscles;
  • Extensive abdominoplasty : in addition to removing excess skin and correcting abdominal sagging, this surgery also removes excess located on the sides, hips and lumbar, so the incision is larger. It is a highly sought-after surgery after pregnancy;
  • Miniabdominoplasty : is a minor surgery compared to the classic method, indicated for patients who want or need to eliminate only excess fat skin below the navel, in the region called “belly foot”. Your recovery is faster;
  • Lipoabdominoplasty : associates abdominoplasty with liposuction, indicated for patients who have a thicker layer of fat in the abdomen. It removes excess fat from the belly, waist and back, reshaping the outline.

Care before surgery

Ten days before the Abdominoplasty in Delhi, it is necessary to stop the use of drugs to lose weight and other substances as recommended by the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi. The day before, you should avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and heavy meals.

On the day of surgery, the patient must attend the hospital for admission at the previously agreed time to fast for 8 hours, including water. In case of flu or other ailments, the patient must notify the team up to 2 days before surgery.

A very important detail before having a tummy tuck in Delhi is to have everything properly organized so that you can take a two-week home rest after the procedure, allowing your recovery, says the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

Abdominoplasty recovery

The patient may experience pain and discomfort for the first three days, which are usually relieved with simple painkillers prescribed by the doctor. It will not be possible to get fully erect right away, but it is recommended to take short walks.

The dressings must be removed within 24 hours, and the patient can take a full bath. Drains are usually removed in two to three weeks. The diet can be normal, just avoiding foods that favor the accumulation of gases.

It is essential that the patient uses the compression belt for at least 30 days. It helps keep tissues in their new locations and facilitates healing, as well as providing patient safety.

The patient should avoid straining and lifting weights for 30 days, gradually resuming physical activities as authorized by the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi. Lymphatic drainage sessions are recommended from the fourth day onwards.

Abdominoplasty risks

As with any surgery, there are risks of infection, hemorrhage, necrosis and thromboembolism. But if the patient takes proper care, recovery will occur in a healthy and positive way, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Tummy tuck scars

The scar is located horizontally, just above the pubic hairline, and is normally covered by underwear and bathing suits. The size of the scar depends on the volume to be corrected in the Tummy tuck in Delhi.

In the first 30 days, the scar will be quite discreet, perhaps with some reactions to the stitches and dressings. From the second month onwards, there is a natural thickening and a change in color, in which the scar changes from red to brown, becoming darker.

Between 12 to 18 months after surgery, the scar gradually starts to get lighter and less consistent, reaching its final appearance only after that period, says the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Tummy tuck and liposuction: what are the differences

While abdominoplasty in Delhi aims to correct sagging and reposition muscles, liposuction promotes the removal of localized fat. Liposuction in Delhi is performed by inserting cannulas that suck out excess adipose tissue.

These two procedures can be combined to promote an even more complete surgery, providing better results to patients when needed.

Mommy makeover: Recover your figure after pregnancy

Much is being heard lately about the “mommy makeover”, a trend that translated into our language comes to mean the “renewal, new look or remodeling of the mother”.

We are really talking about postpartum cosmetic surgery.

What physical changes occur during pregnancy?

And it is that everyone knows that motherhood entails physical and bodily changes that are sometimes undesirable:

  • the skin of the abdomen stretches and becomes saggy,
  • fat accumulates in the waist, cartridge belts, etc.,
  • the breasts lose their firmness, fall and lose their fullness, appearing empty, without turgidity…

The breasts during pregnancy and lactation undergo a series of changes aimed at the production of milk and are generally a remarkable development of the mammary gland, with an overall increase in size. Later that same gland atrophies by not having to perform that secretory function. As a consequence, there is a loss of volume in general, loss of firmness and “ptosis” or sagging of the breasts.

The abdomen, for its part, stretches to accommodate the baby, in such a way that its skin firmness is lost.

The abdominal muscles also undergo changes, just as the skin stretches, so do the abdominal muscles. A typical alteration of pregnancy is that the rectus abdominis muscles (those responsible for the so-called six-pack or chocolate bar) separate from the midline, maintaining this separation after delivery, which is called “diastasis recti”, and which causes an abdominal protrusion, a kind of tummy in the central area of ​​the abdomen, which occurs even in thin patients with good muscle tone.

These physical changes are sometimes difficult to fit into the framework of the demanding society in which we live today, where physical appearance, health, being “fit” or in good physical shape, have become some of the most important concerns. relevant to the population.

All these factors together mean that many moms, after having fulfilled their dream of being mothers, do not want to give up their previous physical appearance.

What is the Mommy Makeover?

The “mommy makeover” consists of a set of plastic and aesthetic surgery procedures, whose purpose is to return the mother to her previous appearance or alleviate the secondary body changes to the pregnancy process.

In the first place, a medical evaluation of the patient must be made, since in each one of them the needs will be different and the treatment must be individualized.

What are the surgeries used to improve the figure after childbirth?

The procedures that are usually included in the “mommy makeover” are abdominoplasty, repair of diastasis of the abdominal muscles, mammoplasty, and sometimes liposuction of certain lipid accumulations.

  • Abdominoplasty: The purpose of tummy tuck in Delhi is to restore firmness to the abdomen, eliminating excess skin and adipose tissue, as well as repairing the “diastasis” or separation of the rectus and restoring structure and function to these muscles.
  • The mammoplasty technique differs according to the characteristics of the patient: sometimes, breast augmentation in Delhi is needed, which have become atrophic after pregnancy, usually with prostheses; other patients will require a breast reduction in Delhi to reshape and reduce the size of their breast, and finally, one of the most demanded breast surgeries after pregnancy: mastopexy or “breast lift surgery in Delhi“, in which the breast is reshaped, getting it back its shape and position by lifting and reshaping it. This last technique is frequently carried out with the help of breast prostheses.
  • Finally, liposuction or liposculpture surgery varies depending on each patient and the possible accumulations of fat that may have developed during pregnancy and/or lactation. Liposuction in Delhi is a simple and optimal technique to treat accumulations of fat in a specific way. mentioned fat.

When is it advisable to undergo these procedures?

Despite the fact that news can be found in the press in which it is commented that there are certain procedures such as abdominoplasty that are performed in the same act of childbirth, specifically if it is a cesarean delivery, for best plastic surgeon in Delhi this is reckless for several reasons:

  • Increases the risk of postpartum complications.
  • The surgeries that make up the “mommy makeover” require rest and a series of strict care afterwards, and postpartum is probably not the best time to follow these recommendations, due to the new situation of the mother, who will have to direct her care and attention to the newborn.
  • In the postpartum there is a regression of the anatomical and physiological changes produced in pregnancy, with a progressive recovery of the tissues, for this reason the most reasonable thing is to wait a while for all the tissues to return to normality, on multiple occasions it will not be necessary to intervene in the patient.

Plastic surgeon in Delhi recommends undergoing these surgeries once the period of conception of the children is over, and at least 1 year after the last pregnancy, to perform the surgery in physical conditions of stability, both physical and psychological.

If you want information about this procedure, do not hesitate to contact plastic surgeon in Rohini.

Types of Breast Surgery and Advantages

What types of breast operations are there?

There are two aesthetic procedures that help improve the appearance of the chest: breast augmentation and mastopexy, which enhances its shape. Both can also be combined to achieve the results of both in a single intervention, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi.

In this way, you can choose to:

  • get the size we want
  • correct sagging breasts
  • increase the size and raise the breasts, together

In short, it is about achieving the chest that suits the needs of each person.

What are these techniques? What advantages do they have? How is the postoperative? Plastic Surgeon in Delhi will tell you everything you need to know about this aesthetic treatment.

Types of breast surgeries and their benefits

There are several aesthetic treatments focused on the appearance of the breasts:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation in Delhi is the queen operation and the most performed in the world. It consists of placing a silicone implant in order to increase the volume of the breast. Regardless of the scar we leave, a breast enlargement in Delhi will always create a pocket to house the prosthesis. This pocket can be in front (subfascial) or behind the pectoralis muscle, says the Plastic Surgeon in Rohini.

Depending on the approach route used, we have three types of breast augmentation in Delhi:

Breast augmentation with axillary scar

It is our favorite because the scar is completely hidden in the hollow of the armpit. You have to fully raise your arm so that it can be seen and in the long term it is negligible and will look like a normal armpit fold.

It is true that at first the scar pulls a little but with stretching it will resolve in 3 or 4 weeks. Sometimes it can become pigmented and require additional laser treatments, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Rohini.

Breast augmentation with submammary scar

The scar will be hidden in the submammary fold, so that the volume itself and the natural fall of the breast will hide it.

As with the axillary route, we do not touch the gland since in both cases we reach the pectoralis major muscle behind the breast tissue, says the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

The approach through the inframammary fold is very popular. It is usually a good scar although occasionally a hypertrophic or keloid scar can form. If the implant is removed in the future, the breast will return to its original site and the scar will be one two centimeters lower than the submammary fold, leaving it exposed, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

Breast augmentation with areolar scar

The scar is just on the edge of the areola, in the lower half. Normally it leaves a very minimal scar that can also be micropigmented and hidden after a year, says the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Nor can it be done if the areola is very small.

The areolar route is especially indicated in cases such as tuberous breasts, in which the areola is usually large and must be reduced, says the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.


In sagging breasts, it is necessary to remove skin and that is when a mastopexy or Breast Lift Surgery in Delhi is indicated. In this case, the continent (the skin) and the content (the mammary gland) must be worked on. Depending on how sagging the breast is and the excess skin, Plastic Surgeon in Delhi will need a cut only around the areola (periareolar), vertical (around the areola and from the areola to the fold) or T-shaped (the former plus a scar in the submammary fold). Regarding volume, we can use a breast implant in Delhi if there is not enough breast tissue. Or the tissue itself together with grafts of its own fat, if there is a breast to do it, says the cosmetic surgeon in Pitampura.

Breast asymmetries

Although in 80% of women both breasts are not the same, in some cases this difference is greater. Breast asymmetry surgery combines various techniques (breast augmentation with breast implant in Delhi, mastopexy, breast augmentation in Delhi with own fat, breast reduction in Delhi) to solve it.

Breast reduction surgery in Delhi

Through various techniques that usually leave a T-shaped or vertical scar, the breast is reduced. Excess tissue is removed and the breast is reshaped to leave it with the right size and in its correct position, says the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi.

What is the postoperative care?

It is not extraordinarily difficult. The first 2 or 3 days are usually the most uncomfortable and that is when we will need the most analgesia. After 4-5 days we stop driving and many patients can go back to work, unless their work is very physical.

After 48 hours it is possible to shower. You have to wear a sports bra all day and night as it is what helps the scar implant in its correct position.

You cannot do physical exercise during the first month, suggests the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Caring for a scar after breast augmentation surgery

Until we remove the stitches after 10 days, we just have to keep the wound clean. You can shower (not bath) and apply a little antiseptic. The wounds are then covered with protective gauze.

Once the stitches have been removed, a scar cream can be used. The main objective of these creams is the hydration of the scar, in addition to the anti-inflammatory properties of its components.

Silicone gels or silicone patches are indicated to avoid and prevent the formation of keloid scars. They don’t always have to be used. You have to wait until the scar is formed because if there are stitches, the wound can open. Once they begin to be used, they must be worn 24 hours a day for 3 to 4 months. It is advisable to wait to put them on until the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi tells you to.

On the other hand, the scar should be protected from the sun during the first few months. The risk of not doing so is hyperpigmentation, which is very difficult to treat. Therefore, high protection creams (total screen) must be used.

The scars usually take between a year and a year and a half to whiten. So, you have to have patience and persistence in its care, keeping it hydrated, suggests the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

Platelet Rich Plasma: the latest to stop hair loss and give your hair more volume

You have surely heard of PRP For Hair Loss Treatment in Delhi as one of the rejuvenating treatments with the best results. Platelet Rich Plasma is used for hair regeneration, and according to the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, it is the treatment of the moment to stop hair loss, add more volume, strengthen it and improve its quality. We tell you what this technique consists of and how it can help your hair.

We are concerned about everything related to hair: it’s fall, weakening, its thickness loss, lack of volume, in addition to the frizz, the split ends or Gray. So, any treatment that helps us improve it interests us. And the last one is Platelet Rich Plasma, also known by its initials PRP. The Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar explains that “it is one of the most widely used medical-aesthetic treatments as a complement to hair transplantation. conventional.” The PRP Treatment For Hair Loss in Delhi, manages to rehabilitate follicles that are in the aging phase, allowing them to produce hair with greater quality and resistance.


According to Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar, “it is a simple procedure, which does not cause allergies, and which provides a significant improvement in the function of the hair follicle”. The procedure, without side effects and with an approximate duration of half an hour, consists of obtaining a blood sample from the patient, preparing it to have the plasma fraction (and in it, platelets and growth factors) and reinjecting it in the form of Superficial microinjections (mesotherapy) in the dermis of the scalp to reach the roots of the hair.

According to the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar, “platelets contain abundant growth factors, substances that help regenerate hair follicles in the infiltrated area, bringing more nutrients and increasing cell proliferation.”

Injections are made with a very small gauge syringe and needle, which is why they are practically painless.


The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh, experts in hair surgery, tells us that the main benefits of the Plasma Rich in Platelets “are bring you to the nutrients hair growth factors and stem cells (obtained from the own blood of the patient), strengthening it, and making it brighter and healthier “. The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh points out that “we always recommend it after hair surgery, to strengthen the follicles, but there are also patients who come to apply it just to strengthen and improve the quality of their hair.” In addition, according to the expert, it is also a recommended treatment “for weakened hair, in a period of active loss or that have lost their thickness”.

The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh affirms that “the PRP For Hair in Delhi is one of the ones that provides greater volume to the hair. It is indicated for any type of alopecia, but it is particularly effective for female alopecia, the areata, as well as for post-chemotherapy alopecia “.

Platelet Rich Plasma helps to strengthen hair, giving it more volume and slowing its fall.


First, an individual assessment must be made to determine in each case the number of recommended sessions, which are usually 3-4, with a separation between them of 4-6 weeks. The benefits are not immediate, according to the Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar “they begin to be noticed 15 days after the last session”.

Plastic Surgeon in Punjabi Bagh explains that “the hair follicles absorb nutrients and other components as they are needed, so their effect is prolonged, and can last up to a year later. It would be convenient to apply a reminder every year, in times of fall or if the patient suffers from other problems that can cause weakness, such as a stressful situation “.


You will be able to live a normal life immediately after the PRP For Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi, but Plastic Surgeon in Delhi advises “do not exercise, do not go to swimming pools or saunas and do not wash your head in 24 hours”. Due to the infiltration, according to Plastic Surgeon in Delhi “the area can become a little red and slightly increase the volume of the scalp, which is usually resolved in about 20-30 minutes after mesotherapy.”

Breast augmentation, what you have to know

Today there are many women who today decide to undergo a breast augmentation in Delhi, either to improve the appearance of their breasts, if they are small, to balance the size between them in case there is a notable difference in sizes in each one of them, to adjust them due to their reduction after pregnancy, to raise the sagging chest, to correct any deformity or to increase self-confidence.

There are several reasons women go for breast augmentation in Delhi. With this surgery, many patients manage to improve their lives, since they have been dragging complexes of breasts that are too small or unbalanced for years, something that can affect them in their day to day and, in the relationship and acceptance of their own body. What breast enlargement in Delhi can do is make a woman feel good about herself and her appearance, which will improve many aspects of her life and give her a confidence that she did not have before.

The reasons may be aesthetic, since many women improve their self-confidence after the operation, by achieving the breast size they wanted. This is why, today, this type of surgical intervention is the most demanded by women of all ages, accounting for more than 40% of plastic surgery interventions performed throughout the year, says the Cosmetic Surgeon in Pitampura.

What is breast augmentation surgery in Delhi?

Breast augmentation is also known as augmentation mammoplasty, it allows to modify the size and improve the shape of the breasts, in addition to eliminating the differences in size that may exist between both breasts and to replace the volume lost as a result of breastfeeding.

It is important to put yourself in the hands of the best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi for surgery of this type. 

breast augmentation in Delhi is a simple surgery in which the preoperative period is very important, which includes not only conducting medical tests that confirm that our patients are in an optimal state of health to perform breast augmentation surgery. Cosmetic Surgeon in Pitampura also have a conversation in which they tell us what they expect from this intervention and they show them and explain what the process and its results will be.

Breast augmentation intervention: step by step

Once the decision has been made to increase the size of the breast, to be in the hands of an expert Plastic Surgeon in Delhi and to have done the necessary tests, the day of the operation arrives.

Once anaesthesia has been performed, the plastic surgeon makes an incision in the area chosen for implantation of the breast prosthesis, the main objective of which is to minimally notice the scar.

There are different ways by which this cut can be made, always taking into account the patient’s anatomy:

  • Via periareolar, this incision is made on the lower edge of the areola, on the border between the darkest part of it and the lightest tonality of the breast.
  • Via the submammary, the approach by this route is performed through an incision of about 4 cm, in the submammary groove to access the plane where the prosthesis is to be placed.
  • Axillary route: this access is in the fold that appears in the armpit with the chest.

Once the incision is made, the plastic surgeon in Delhi inserts the prosthesis. Once in place, it is positioned correctly under the breast tissue or the pectoral muscle. Finally, the incision is closed, and a compression bandage is placed over the breasts.

Once the patient wakes up from anaesthesia, it will be the hospital team that decides if the patient is fit to be discharged.

The results are quite immediate, since the breast implants that are placed allows to obtain a breast with a natural appearance and touch.

How is the postoperative period of breast augmentation?

In general, if everything goes well, after 24 to 48 hours the patient can return to almost normal life.

Caution must be exercised since the intervened area is still inflamed and it is normal for the first days after the intervention to appear discomfort in the arms when moving them and even swelling in the chest.

Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar recommends to wait a minimum of one month to return to practicing physical exercise and at least one or two weeks to return to driving.

Types of prostheses used in breast augmentation

There are different types of prostheses that are used in breast augmentation surgery in Delhi, and the choice and their subsequent placement will depend on the proportions of the woman’s body and the space in her chest to insert them.

The round prostheses have the same width at its top and bottom, while the ergonomic prostheses are not symmetrical in height and width and have a characteristic teardrop or pear. The latter are the best option if you are looking for a very natural result, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar.

Breast augmentation with your own fat, alternative to implants

The Lipofilling is the alternative to breast implant in Delhi. It consists of a surgical intervention that allows to increase the patient’s chest with their own fat extracted from some excess part of the body, such as the abdomen.

The main advantage is that it is a surgery that does not usually cause any type of rejection, because it is your own fat and also does not leave a scar. This type of intervention allows to obtain a breast with a very natural result, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Types of scars and their treatment

Healing is a physiological process that occurs in the skin after a wound of any origin (surgical, accidental trauma, burns, post-inflammatory as in acne). Unfortunately, the resulting scars in many cases are not as aesthetic as we would like or can even be associated with discomfort or symptoms (itching, pain, difficulty in mobilizing a specific area). For all these cases of pathological or unaesthetic scars, there are different treatments or combinations of these that can help us to improve and hide them, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi

Correct treatment of a scar

The main thing to choose the correct treatment for a scar removal in Shalimar Bagh is to carry out an accurate dermatological diagnosis to determine what are the problems present. Sometimes we will have scars with a significant vascular problem, which are usually those that are very red, with a large amount of vascularization. Other times the problem has more to do with the volume of the scar, either because it is very thickened (hypertrophic) or because it is depressed (atrophic).

This diagnosis for scar removal in Shalimar Bagh will be made through physical examination and will sometimes require imaging tests such as dermoscopy or ultrasound, among others. Once the problems present in the scar have been determined, it is when you can choose the best combination of treatments for the case. It should be noted that the early treatment of scars, in the first weeks or months after their production, is the one that will achieve the best results, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Common types of scars and their treatment

Here are some common types of scars and their possible treatments:

Acne scars

Acne scars are usually depressed, atrophic scars that appear on the face on the cheek, forehead, or chin. In some cases, they can also associate reddish coloration.

The best results are obtained with treatments aimed at filling in that lack of collagen present in the scars and releasing the fibrosis that these scars have in their lower part. For this, combinations of surgical techniques such as subcision (superficial cut below the scar) and fractional remodeling lasers (ablative, such as CO2 or Erbium; or non-ablative, such as Fraxel®) are usually used. To achieve better results, these techniques can also be combined with the administration of Platelet Rich Plasma injected into the treated areas, as it will help a faster recovery and enhance the effects of the other techniques, says the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar.

Surgical scars

The results of surgical scars can be very varied depending on the area in which the surgery has been performed, post-surgical care and the patient’s age, among others. One of the problems that we see most in surgical scars is excess vascularization that manifests as very red scars. In order to eliminate this staining, the best results are obtained with vascular lasers (pulsed dye laser and Neodymium laser) or intense pulsed light, says the Plastic Surgeon in Punjabi Bagh.

Keloid scars

Keloid scars are a special type of pathological scar that can appear associated with different origin: surgery, mainly back acne, accidental wounds or even appear spontaneously. These are very thickened scars, which grow progressively and even exceed the edges of the initial wound. The best results to slow its growth are obtained by combining vascular lasers, remodeling lasers and corticosteroid injections. Sometimes they may require other techniques such as surgical excision, cryotherapy or even radiation therapy, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar.

Burn scars

Burn scars have special characteristics that require different treatment combinations. It is very common for these scars to have symptoms such as itching or pain, or even limit the mobility of the area they affect. The best results to achieve normalization of the skin are obtained with ablative fractional lasers (such as the fractionated CO2 laser) that activate a remodeling in the skin and help to release fibrosis in cases where the scar makes it difficult to move in an area. In some cases these lasers will be associated with other surgical techniques such as plasties or grafts, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar.

Some areas heal well and others poorly

Sometimes many patients want to remove a mole or other lesion and ask us if they will have a scar. It is important to know that there are areas of the skin that have little tension, such as the face, so the scars are usually fine and tend to disappear. However, other areas have more tension, such as the back, chest, or shoulders, and if we perform an excision or have a wound in this area, the scar is usually more noticeable. So, check with your Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh about the chances that the scar from an excision will become large or even turn into a keloid.

In short, if you have a scar, treat it as soon as possible. It is important to classify the scar as atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid in order to establish the most appropriate treatment.

The key to scar removal in Shalimar Bagh is to combine techniques such as laser, drug injections, cryotherapy or botox. Unfortunately, creams are not very effective. The silicone sheets are useful to flatten the scar.

Therefore, if you have an unsightly scar, go to your plastic surgeon in Delhi, who can surely help you.

Laser Hair Removal: All you need to know


Laser hair removal offers the Medical and permanent solution in the treatment of unwanted hair growth with Class IV laser. Laser hair removal in Delhi guarantees permanent results, painlessly and in just a few sessions!

Applies to:

  • Face: eyebrows, middle eyebrow, chin, upper lip, favorites, cheekbones and cheeks
  • Ears
  • Hands: arms, forearms, fingers
  • Armpit
  • Bikini: plain or brazil, perineum
  • Feet: calves, thighs, buttocks
  • Bosom
  • Waist
  • Belly
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Chest in men

Laser hair removal in Delhi eliminates irritation and hair follicles.

Hair follicles appear in some people after razor or wax hair removal. The hair then returns to the skin, irritating the hair follicle. Thus, the area around each hair follicle becomes red and may appear pimples, discolorations or scars at the end, on more sensitive skin. So, when we do laser for permanent hair removal, the factor that irritates the hair follicle also leaves. The skin becomes smoother and younger, due to the regenerative property of thermal energy, explains the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi.

What is a Laser?

The laser is enhanced light. It is not ionizing radiation and so can be applied safely to all areas of the body, even in young people, without any side effects. Alexandrite has a wavelength of 753 nm and chemical affinity with the black color of melanin (chromophore = target) of hair follicles. The property of action is called “selective photothermolysis”.

This particular Laser machine emits a beam of light, which is selectively absorbed only by the melanin of the hair follicle and causes damage to the follicle, without damaging any other tissue, explains the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi.

Laser is the most advanced medical technology in the field of hair removal.

Indications for laser hair removal:

Laser hair removal in Rohini can be done either for aesthetic reasons or for purely medical reasons, such as abnormal hair growth or hair loss or frequent hair follicles in an area.

Pathological hair growth is a condition that affects only the female sex and is characterized by hair growth in places where there should be no hair, such as the face, neck, arms, chest, abdomen, back and buttocks. It is due to hereditary or racial factors or polycystic ovary syndrome or hormonal disorders or the presence of tumors and menopause. In this case, laser hair removal is the only solution to the final and effective treatment of the problem, says the cosmetic surgeon in Rohini.

Treatment is also indicated for people who have varicose veins in the lower extremities or irritations after traditional hair removal methods, or in cases of failure or inadequate results of these methods.

Laser hair removal in Rohini can be applied at young ages from 5 years and older, as in early puberty, etc. and is just as safe and effective as in adults, men and women for normal or abnormal hair growth.

How is the process done?

  • We avoid dark clothes – underwear.
  • We clean the area from makeup, deodorant or perfumes.
  • We delimit the treated area.
  • We cut the hair, if it is too big.
  • Apply soothing cream
  • We apply the laser
  • We apply soothing cream again.

How many repetitions are required and why?

It usually takes 3 to 5 repetitions for permanent hair removal.

This is because not all hairs, at the given time of treatment, are at the same stage of development.

Those hairs that are in the resting stage (telogen phase) are not a target for the machine. So, we wait about 1 month and repeat the treatment. Those hairs that are in the regenerative phase (i.e. the intense multiplication) where the pocket is sensitive, are completely and permanently destroyed! All hairs (of the three stages of their development) that happen to be in the natal stage of their life (in the mature period) are destroyed to a fairly large extent, also permanently. For the small percentage of hairs will reappear, one 3 applies the session, after about one month, so we achieve the final waxing. Rarely will require 4 to 5 session for a very small percentage of hair.

After the application of the treatment, the hair will start to fall out from the same moment until the next 10 days.

Depending on the area, the hairs have different percentages of the three phases of their life. For example, in the scalp, the regenerative phase is a large percentage (> 85%) and therefore the destruction of the hair follicles there with the Laser is permanent in a few sessions. In the face, more sessions are needed than in the rest of the body, because it is a more hormone-dependent area, due to more hormonal receptors in androgens, explains the cosmetic surgeon in Rohini.

At the end of each session, the patient’s card is completed with the settings used during the treatment, for future purposes.

How long does it take and how painless is the method?

The machine is very fast! Indicatively, we mention that for the whole face it takes about 2-6 minutes, for the mustache about 1 minute and for the bikini about 2-4 minutes. Of course, when it comes to a larger surface, such as the entire back or legs, more time is required (20΄- 50΄).

The whole process is almost painless.

What do we need to know before and after hair removal?

Before laser hair removal treatment in Delhi, long-term exposure to the sun one week before its application is prohibited. In contrast, the person can sunbathe soon after Laser Hair Removal using sunscreen.

The ideal length of hair for hair removal is 1-2 mm, ie as soon as they begin to appear. Hair should not be too long or vice versa once it has been brushed with another method or shaved. It is advisable not to use any whitening cream or wax beforehand, for at least 2 weeks on the treated areas.

The only thing that can be observed in some people after treatment, is the small erythema, which disappears in half to 1 hour. Cosmetic surgeon in Pitampura recommends the use of sunscreen, after hair removal, for the next few days with regular renewal every 1-2 hours in case of exposure to sunlight.

No recovery time is required.

Are there any contraindications?

Laser hair removal treatment is not recommended for people taking isotretinoin, people with photodermatitis, and people who have recently sunbathed or tanned. In this case we have to wait a few weeks without exposing the person to the sun and then apply the treatment. Prolonged exposure to the sun for 1-2 weeks before treatment is prohibited.

In the past, there was a relative contraindication in people with vitiligo and psoriasis. Today, with the use of state-of-the-art lasers, which have automatic cooling mechanisms, there is no contraindication for this group of patients.

Laser hair removal could be a contraindication during pregnancy and lactation, but most of the time we have the consent of the gynecologist, as the fetus is not in any danger, as this laser is not ionizing radiation, but visible light. which does not penetrate deeper than 3mm into the skin.

Gynecomastia Surgery: Know Everything about the Procedure


Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of breasts for men, and the problem is through excess breast tissue in the region. This disorder can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, very recurrent at puberty due to the various transformations that man goes through.

The increase in male breast tissue can manifest itself in different degrees, from a small bud to a full-formed breast. The change can be only one-sided, but it can also compromise both breasts.

In some cases, over time, the problem may go away on its own, but in others, male breast reduction in Delhi is necessary to reduce the breasts.

Main causes and symptoms

The main cause is due to hormonal changes that men go through, especially during puberty. Other factors may be related to excess glandular breast tissue, excess weight (accumulation of fat) or even some diseases, says plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Another cause that is not always taken into account is that some patients, in an attempt to gain muscle more quickly, use anabolic steroids indiscriminately, and one of the side effects is precisely the enlargement of the breasts.

Some patients with gynecomastia may experience breast pain, swelling, nodules, and breast discharge, explains plastic surgeon in Pitampura.

How Gynecomastia Surgery Works

The approach to gynecomastia surgery in Delhi must be twofold: first, to treat the developed mammary gland, and second, to the fat present in the chest.

The surgery aims to remove the breast tissue and excess fat that some patients have. Associated liposuction in Delhi can be performed, depending on the fat content of the breast and the quality of the skin.

To remove this fat, cosmetic surgeon in Delhi makes an incision in the axillary crease, and through liposuction in the chest region, the entire area is aspirated to reduce this fat tissue as a whole. After there is a regularity in the skin, a small incision is made in the areolar region (small circular area that surrounds the nipple), from where the gland that is located just below the areola is removed.

After the procedure, a drain is placed for an average of two days, and then removed. Then a retaining mesh is placed that puts pressure on the detached region for 30 days.

Classification of gynecomastia

Plastic Surgeon in Rohini classifies gynecomastia into three types, with their different degrees. Are they:

– Grade 1 gynecomastia: when a glandular mass appears around the areola. It is apparent with the contraction of the nipple and/or wearing tight clothes. Because it is small, it is easy to remove.

– Grade 2 gynecomastia: the breast is slightly larger than the previous grade. Here, gynecomastia begins to expand and reaches the chest area as well.

– Grade 3 gynecomastia: this is the one that has the largest amount of breast tissue. In addition, the breast is drooping due to the weight it has.

Results of gynecomastia surgery

The first results are already visible after 30 days, although swelling is common in the region. The final result occurs from four to six months.


Patients are released to return to work and normal study activities the day after surgery, taking simple painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for about five days. After 30 days, they are free to practice physical activity and return to their daily activities.

Imperceptible scars

The scars left by the surgery are practically imperceptible. Only in cases where the breast has grown exaggerated, the incisions will be larger, as well as your scars.

At Tandon Clinic, our patients receive all the care and guidance for gynecomastia surgery. Schedule an evaluation and answer your questions with our plastic surgeon in Delhi.