When should you remove moles?

Smooth skin mole.

There are several cases where it becomes necessary or desirable to remove moles. Moles can be cosmetically unsightly and also carcinogenic. Stains are removed in two ways: excision and excision with cauterization. Regardless of the reason for removing the mole, the process will be the same. Spots that appear to be cancerous will be sent to a lab for testing after removal.

A raised mole.

Cosmetic issues are commonly seen as reasons to remove blemishes. Some patients are embarrassed by the spots, whether large or small. The spots sometimes grow long, of course, dark hair, which can also cause embarrassment. Patients considering cosmetic mole removal in Pitampura should consider the possibility of scarring. Large blemishes can leave large scars, which can be more or less unsightly than the blemish being removed.

Woman with a wart above her upper lip.

Discomfort is another possible reason to remove blemishes. While not painful, large stains can be irritated by clothing. Even if the suspected cause is irritation, any pain or bleeding from the patches should be reported to a plastic surgeon in Pitampura. The mole will be evaluated for signs of skin cancer and sent to a lab for confirmation once removed.

Most moles are completely harmless, but some can become cancerous. If a wart is asymmetrical, irregular, very large, or if it hurts or bleeds, it could be cancerous or precancerous. All new or suspicious spots should be reported to a healthcare professional. The plastic surgeon in Ashok Vihar will determine whether removal is necessary or whether regular observation is better.

Plastic Surgeons are often called upon to remove blemishes.

General surgeons are trained to remove blemishes, but many patients prefer it to be done by a plastic surgeon in Shalimar Bagh. Whichever provider you choose, make sure he or she has mole removal experience. Complications of mole removal in Shalimar Bagh include reaction to the anesthetic, nerve damage, and scarring. Other potential side effects depend on the location of the mole.

Electric scalpels are used in electrocautery.

To remove blemishes, the plastic surgeon in Punjabi Bagh will first clean the area. A local anesthetic, usually lidocaine, will be used to numb the immediate area. The provider performing the removal will cut the wart on or under the skin. Stitches may be necessary, but not always necessary, especially with cauterization. The removed tissue will be sent to a laboratory for analysis if cancer is suspected.

A large or bumpy mole could be cancerous.

Infection can occur in the surgical wound. If there are symptoms of discharge, severe pain, or fever, a plastic surgeon in Delhi should be consulted. Applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment or cream and keeping the wound covered reduces the chances of infection.

Platelet Rich Plasma: the latest to stop hair loss and give your hair more volume

You have surely heard of PRP For Hair Loss Treatment in Delhi as one of the rejuvenating treatments with the best results. Platelet Rich Plasma is used for hair regeneration, and according to the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, it is the treatment of the moment to stop hair loss, add more volume, strengthen it and improve its quality. We tell you what this technique consists of and how it can help your hair.

We are concerned about everything related to hair: it’s fall, weakening, its thickness loss, lack of volume, in addition to the frizz, the split ends or Gray. So, any treatment that helps us improve it interests us. And the last one is Platelet Rich Plasma, also known by its initials PRP. The Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar explains that “it is one of the most widely used medical-aesthetic treatments as a complement to hair transplantation. conventional.” The PRP Treatment For Hair Loss in Delhi, manages to rehabilitate follicles that are in the aging phase, allowing them to produce hair with greater quality and resistance.


According to Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar, “it is a simple procedure, which does not cause allergies, and which provides a significant improvement in the function of the hair follicle”. The procedure, without side effects and with an approximate duration of half an hour, consists of obtaining a blood sample from the patient, preparing it to have the plasma fraction (and in it, platelets and growth factors) and reinjecting it in the form of Superficial microinjections (mesotherapy) in the dermis of the scalp to reach the roots of the hair.

According to the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar, “platelets contain abundant growth factors, substances that help regenerate hair follicles in the infiltrated area, bringing more nutrients and increasing cell proliferation.”

Injections are made with a very small gauge syringe and needle, which is why they are practically painless.


The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh, experts in hair surgery, tells us that the main benefits of the Plasma Rich in Platelets “are bring you to the nutrients hair growth factors and stem cells (obtained from the own blood of the patient), strengthening it, and making it brighter and healthier “. The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh points out that “we always recommend it after hair surgery, to strengthen the follicles, but there are also patients who come to apply it just to strengthen and improve the quality of their hair.” In addition, according to the expert, it is also a recommended treatment “for weakened hair, in a period of active loss or that have lost their thickness”.

The Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh affirms that “the PRP For Hair in Delhi is one of the ones that provides greater volume to the hair. It is indicated for any type of alopecia, but it is particularly effective for female alopecia, the areata, as well as for post-chemotherapy alopecia “.

Platelet Rich Plasma helps to strengthen hair, giving it more volume and slowing its fall.


First, an individual assessment must be made to determine in each case the number of recommended sessions, which are usually 3-4, with a separation between them of 4-6 weeks. The benefits are not immediate, according to the Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar “they begin to be noticed 15 days after the last session”.

Plastic Surgeon in Punjabi Bagh explains that “the hair follicles absorb nutrients and other components as they are needed, so their effect is prolonged, and can last up to a year later. It would be convenient to apply a reminder every year, in times of fall or if the patient suffers from other problems that can cause weakness, such as a stressful situation “.


You will be able to live a normal life immediately after the PRP For Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi, but Plastic Surgeon in Delhi advises “do not exercise, do not go to swimming pools or saunas and do not wash your head in 24 hours”. Due to the infiltration, according to Plastic Surgeon in Delhi “the area can become a little red and slightly increase the volume of the scalp, which is usually resolved in about 20-30 minutes after mesotherapy.”

Types of scars and their treatment

Healing is a physiological process that occurs in the skin after a wound of any origin (surgical, accidental trauma, burns, post-inflammatory as in acne). Unfortunately, the resulting scars in many cases are not as aesthetic as we would like or can even be associated with discomfort or symptoms (itching, pain, difficulty in mobilizing a specific area). For all these cases of pathological or unaesthetic scars, there are different treatments or combinations of these that can help us to improve and hide them, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi

Correct treatment of a scar

The main thing to choose the correct treatment for a scar removal in Shalimar Bagh is to carry out an accurate dermatological diagnosis to determine what are the problems present. Sometimes we will have scars with a significant vascular problem, which are usually those that are very red, with a large amount of vascularization. Other times the problem has more to do with the volume of the scar, either because it is very thickened (hypertrophic) or because it is depressed (atrophic).

This diagnosis for scar removal in Shalimar Bagh will be made through physical examination and will sometimes require imaging tests such as dermoscopy or ultrasound, among others. Once the problems present in the scar have been determined, it is when you can choose the best combination of treatments for the case. It should be noted that the early treatment of scars, in the first weeks or months after their production, is the one that will achieve the best results, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Common types of scars and their treatment

Here are some common types of scars and their possible treatments:

Acne scars

Acne scars are usually depressed, atrophic scars that appear on the face on the cheek, forehead, or chin. In some cases, they can also associate reddish coloration.

The best results are obtained with treatments aimed at filling in that lack of collagen present in the scars and releasing the fibrosis that these scars have in their lower part. For this, combinations of surgical techniques such as subcision (superficial cut below the scar) and fractional remodeling lasers (ablative, such as CO2 or Erbium; or non-ablative, such as Fraxel®) are usually used. To achieve better results, these techniques can also be combined with the administration of Platelet Rich Plasma injected into the treated areas, as it will help a faster recovery and enhance the effects of the other techniques, says the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar.

Surgical scars

The results of surgical scars can be very varied depending on the area in which the surgery has been performed, post-surgical care and the patient’s age, among others. One of the problems that we see most in surgical scars is excess vascularization that manifests as very red scars. In order to eliminate this staining, the best results are obtained with vascular lasers (pulsed dye laser and Neodymium laser) or intense pulsed light, says the Plastic Surgeon in Punjabi Bagh.

Keloid scars

Keloid scars are a special type of pathological scar that can appear associated with different origin: surgery, mainly back acne, accidental wounds or even appear spontaneously. These are very thickened scars, which grow progressively and even exceed the edges of the initial wound. The best results to slow its growth are obtained by combining vascular lasers, remodeling lasers and corticosteroid injections. Sometimes they may require other techniques such as surgical excision, cryotherapy or even radiation therapy, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Ashok Vihar.

Burn scars

Burn scars have special characteristics that require different treatment combinations. It is very common for these scars to have symptoms such as itching or pain, or even limit the mobility of the area they affect. The best results to achieve normalization of the skin are obtained with ablative fractional lasers (such as the fractionated CO2 laser) that activate a remodeling in the skin and help to release fibrosis in cases where the scar makes it difficult to move in an area. In some cases these lasers will be associated with other surgical techniques such as plasties or grafts, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Paschim Vihar.

Some areas heal well and others poorly

Sometimes many patients want to remove a mole or other lesion and ask us if they will have a scar. It is important to know that there are areas of the skin that have little tension, such as the face, so the scars are usually fine and tend to disappear. However, other areas have more tension, such as the back, chest, or shoulders, and if we perform an excision or have a wound in this area, the scar is usually more noticeable. So, check with your Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh about the chances that the scar from an excision will become large or even turn into a keloid.

In short, if you have a scar, treat it as soon as possible. It is important to classify the scar as atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid in order to establish the most appropriate treatment.

The key to scar removal in Shalimar Bagh is to combine techniques such as laser, drug injections, cryotherapy or botox. Unfortunately, creams are not very effective. The silicone sheets are useful to flatten the scar.

Therefore, if you have an unsightly scar, go to your plastic surgeon in Delhi, who can surely help you.

Why Choose Plastic Surgery And Who is Idle For It.

Why patients turn to plastic surgery

Going to a plastic surgeon in Delhi should not be a problem for anyone, leaving aside social pressure, complexes, and family pressure that this can generate. Reparative plastic surgery in Delhi deals with curing and correcting diseases, malformations, traumas, and aesthetic problems both acquired and contracted throughout our lives. Repairs after cancer or accident, tumors, moles, warts, burns, etc., are the most common cases of reparative plastic surgery. We must also know another branch of plastic surgery, plastic surgery, and aesthetics, where the patient seeks to obtain with it a general facial and body harmony in accordance with the social canons of beauty.

plastic surgery infographics

The external appearance is very important for any of us and we should not hesitate, when necessary, to go to the plastic surgeon in Rohini. Plastic surgery is a great ally to advance our lives and overcome many obstacles, both aesthetic and psychological, that is why more and more people are turning to this system, these being the most common cases for which a patient resorts to plastic surgery:

  • Over time:

As we get older, many people resist this inexorable step and try to overcome it with methods such as rejuvenating creams and various treatments, but none offer as many resources as plastic and cosmetic surgery in Delhi. That is why this practice has become so widespread, being one of the most common reasons why a patient comes to visit a center of aesthetics and plastic surgery. Who does not like to look younger and above others tell them?

  • Reconstructive surgery:

In these cases, surgery can help enormously, since it not only becomes a means to improve our figure or aesthetics, but it is an essential psychological repairing component. It is women who resort most to this surgery after suffering from certain diseases such as breast cancer. It is also used as a total or partial reconstructive method of part of the body after an accident or physical malformations.

  • Cosmetic surgery:

The competitive society in which we live leads many people to resort to this type of surgery. To look better before society, to look for a physique that fits with established social canons, fashion and especially beauty patterns oriented to a certain type of figure and body push many people to make this very personal decision.

There are many more reasons of special relevance for which plastic surgery is used, but those that we have commented are the most common and recurrent and that encompass most of the cases that we can find. But the most important of all is that if you go to surgery, either aesthetically or as a restorative measure, do it without fear or complex, choose the appropriate method and, above all, know how to choose well the center and the most appropriate plastic surgeon in Pitampura, because this is a very important decision in our lives and so we must raise it.

How to be a good candidate for plastic surgery

It is likely that you have thought that everyone is able to undergo plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery in Delhi, but it is not, there are some necessary requirements to be eligible for cosmetic surgery.

There are many people who think they can never have cosmetic surgery, but anyone with proper planning can undergo an aesthetic medicine procedure. It is true that there are many factors that can limit the chances of undergoing a surgical procedure of this type, so we should always talk to a plastic surgeon in Shalimar Bagh to ensure all the opportunities we have available.

One of the factors that can influence the most when it comes to undergoing cosmetic surgery is the fact of being a smoker. Many centers refuse to perform treatments for smoking patients, due to the possible risks associated with tobacco use. This makes some patients lie about their habit, which makes it a very dangerous fact since smoking can slow the healing process, and even increase the risks and complications of surgery by 300%. Therefore, if you are a smoker, a good idea is to stop smoking before surgery or at least bring this fact to the attention of your plastic surgeon in Ashok Vihar.

In addition, it is very important that, in the first consultation we have with our plastic surgeon in Punjabi Bagh, we mention all the medicines that we are consuming, whether they are prescribed or without a prescription. Medications can have unforeseen side effects, although they do not require a prescription, so we must inform our surgeon to avoid complications during surgery.

On the other hand, we must never forget that one of the best practices that we can count on to ensure access to cosmetic surgery is as accessible as eating in a balanced way, making an adequate diet. It has been shown that people who undergo a balanced and studied diet have a better prognosis in the healing process, they do it more quickly and avoid some complications.

If you are thinking about undergoing an aesthetic treatment, I invite you to leave doubts and communicate with me openly.

Although surgery can be scary, taking appropriate measures in advance, with good planning, and with adequate communication, it can be guaranteed that the operation is safer and free of unexpected events than if good prior coordination is not carried out.