Plastic surgery for those who do not wish to have children in the long term

Consideration before plastic surgery should consider several factors including motivation, financial situation, and even if the patient intends to have children soon suggests the plastic surgeon in Delhi. Surgeries are not contraindicated for those planning a pregnancy, but there are procedures that may have their results compromised by pregnancy.

In this way, knowing the options for plastic surgery for those who do not intend to have children guarantees the right choice for patients.

Plastic surgery options for those who do not intend to have children

With medical advice, any plastic surgery is possible, regardless of the patient’s maternity wishes. However, as the plastic surgeon in Rohini says, some plastic surgeries can have their results compromised by a pregnancy, being more suitable for those who no longer intend to have children.

If you are looking forward to procedures like rhinoplasty, facelift, mentoplasty, and others, pregnancy does not influence the results in these cases. The options indicated for those who do not wish to become pregnant are those with the most significant body changes. Check it out below.


Many women have a mammoplasty before becoming pregnant and there is no problem, as long as the surgery takes place about 12 months before conception and there is time for complete healing of the region.

However, breastfeeding can influence the aesthetics of the breasts in patients who have previously had a breast implant, resulting in a more flaccid appearance if there is a high production of milk and, consequently, an increase in the mammary glands.

Breast reduction surgery in Delhi for women who do not intend to have children has a considerably lower risk of sagging. Patients interested in reduction mammoplasty should also seek guidance from the plastic surgeon in Pitampura so that the procedure does not interfere with future breastfeeding.


A more complex plastic surgery is liposuction, which aims to remove localized fat deposits. Although it can be performed in different regions, it is most common on the abdomen, flanks, and back.

In the long term, the results of liposuction directly depend on the maintenance of the patient’s weight and, since pregnancy influences weight gain, it can compromise the results.

Thus, patients who do not plan to become pregnant are better candidates for liposuction in Delhi considering the long-term maintenance of the results of the surgery. Despite this, other factors can influence weight gain other than pregnancy, such as hormonal disorders, diet, and sedentary lifestyle.

Just like traditional liposuction, varied techniques such as liposculpture and HD lipo also face the same limitations.

Tummy tuck

One of the recommendations of abdominoplasty is for women who have abdominal flaccidity or diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, even if they have never had a pregnancy.

Thus, although this does not make a future pregnancy unfeasible, the results of plastic surgery can be lost, especially if there is a significant weight gain.

The focus of tummy tuck in Delhi is the removal of excess skin that can be caused by pregnancies, considerable weight loss, or people with a tendency to sagging in the abdominal region.

Therefore, although plastic surgeries do not harm the pregnancy if you change your mind, some of them are more recommended for those who do not intend to have children due to the long-term results.

Breast Reduction Surgery – Basic Information

Women seeking breast reduction surgery often have back and shoulder pain. Large breasts also often interfere with exercise. As a measure, breast reduction in Delhi is very similar to breast augmentation surgery in Delhi. The difference is that in resection surgery, the skin is mainly removed, while during reduction surgery, glandular tissue is also removed, explains the plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Surgical techniques are very often combined. For example, breast augmentation is very often associated with reduction and enlargement surgery.

80 percent of clients are just ordinary women. Often the patient is a mother of 2 to 3 children who wants to repair breasts that have lost their shape after breastfeeding or abdominal muscles that have become separated due to pregnancy.

Breast reduction – what happens before the procedure?

During the first consultation, the plastic surgeon in Delhi will focus on your wishes and expectations and discuss the issues that concern you. You will learn, among other things, how the surgery will improve the appearance of your breasts, how much the surgery will cost, and when the surgery will be available.

In addition to this, you will fill out a questionnaire that will review your general health, any previous illnesses and surgeries.

In some cases, plastic surgeon in Rohini will recommend a mammography scan of the patients before breast reduction surgery in Delhi. It is recommended that you take good care of your physical condition before surgery. He also recommends that you find out as much as possible about the course of the procedure and the recovery process before the operation. This way, you are well prepared for your surgery day.

It is also a good idea to have lymph treatment at least once before surgery. Lymph therapy prevents swelling after the procedure.

Breast reduction – what happens during surgery?

On the day of the operation, you will meet the plastic surgeon in Rohini. Initially, he takes photos of the operating area. You will also see an anesthesiologist and get a room that is available to you on the day of surgery. You will also fit a bra that will be worn on you after the procedure. The purpose of the support vest is to support the breasts and the surgical site during the weeks following the procedure.

The surgery itself takes one to two hours. The operation is performed under anesthesia. Surgical wounds are performed in different places depending on whether the breasts are reduced or enlarged. An incision is made around the nipples at each breast surgery. Usually, a second, T-shaped opening (called an anchor wound) is made under the nipple and extends as far as the pectoral fold. Surgical wounds are most often sutured with concealed sutures that melt away over time.

Breast reduction surgery – what happens after the procedure?

Immediately after the operation, you will rest in your room for 3 to 6 hours under observation. During this time, you will receive pain medication. You can go to the shower the day after the operation.

After the procedure, you may feel some pain. Minor sensory disturbances and edema are possible. They will disappear within weeks of surgery. It is good to beat bruises and other side effects with special ointment.

For the treatment of edema, effective lymph therapy is recommended.

About a week after the operation, you will come to the clinic for the first follow-up examination. Any stitches will be removed 14 days after the procedure.

The result of breast reduction in Delhi will not be visible until six months after the procedure, but you will notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your breasts as soon as the sutures have been removed. You will usually be able to return to work after a week, and after 3 to 6 weeks you can start exercising. During the recovery, it is good to take peaceful walks. The scar area should not be stretched during the first three months. The scar needs to be well protected from the sun, especially during the first six months. The recovery process is different for each patient, so it is important to listen to and adapt to your own body’s messages.

The outcome of breast reduction surgery in Delhi is always unique because people’s genetic factors are different. It is important that you have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Expectations and wishes should be discussed with the best plastic surgeon in Delhi at the clinic well in advance of surgery, for example during consultation visits.


Breast augmentation surgery with breast implants is the most common surgery to correct the shape of the breasts. The operation is one-time and the size of the breast implant is selected according to the patient’s dimensions and wishes, explains the best plastic surgeon in Delhi.


The most common surgery to correct the shape of the breasts is breast augmentation in Delhi with silicone implants.

Breast implants can be used to correct the shape or size of the breasts; either correction of breast size difference or congenital structural abnormality or increase of breast size, e.g., in small breasts or after breast cancer surgery. With age and breastfeeding, the shape of the breast’s changes, with the help of silicone implants breast enlargement in Delhi brings more volume to the breasts, explains the plastic surgeon in Rohini.

Breast augmentation in Delhi, or mastopexia, is often used in conjunction with breast augmentation surgery. 


Breast augmentation with silicone implants differs from augmentation performed with one’s own body fat transfer in terms of procedure, outcome and number of surgeries.

More procedures are usually needed for liposuction, but breast augmentation with a silicone implant is a one-time procedure.

In the procedure of fat transfer, the cup size of the breasts is usually increased by ½ – 1 cup size at a time. When breast augmentation with a breast implant, the size and design of the breast implant are selected according to the patient’s dimensions and wishes, explains the plastic surgeon in Rohini.

In breast augmentation with a breast implant, the implants can be placed on or under the breast muscle. The implant is usually placed under a large pectoral muscle, making the implant more concealed, especially in slender women.

When shaping the breasts with the body’s own fat transfer, the fat is applied evenly to the subcutaneous fat layer and the pectoral muscle. The end result is thus smooth and soft throughout. 

Breast augmentation with your own body fat requires you to have fat in your body. With silicone implants, magnification can also be done for very slender, small-breasted women who do not have extra fat to transfer, explains the plastic surgeon in Delhi.


You will meet with a plastic surgeon in Delhi twice. At the first visit, your wishes and motivations for the surgery, as well as your basic health, medication and possible allergies, will be carefully examined. Following a basic clinical trial, the properties of the implants as well as the course, risks, and recovery of the surgery will be discussed.

At the second visit, the model and size of the implant are selected and the necessary examinations are agreed upon. In addition, your plastic surgeon in Delhi will discuss issues related to aftercare and breast monitoring with you.



  • Smoking should preferably be stopped months before the procedure.
  • Omega fatty acid preparations and fish oil capsules and copious amounts of garlic can cause bleeding and are recommended to be stopped at least 4 weeks in advance.
  • NSAIDs should be discontinued 2 weeks before the procedure. 


The silicone implant is inserted under or over the pectoral muscle using a funnel-shaped instrument in a sterile and gentle manner. An inconspicuous scar, 4 to 4.5 centimeters long, remains at the point of export. In the upright position, the scars remain invisible and even when lying down they are quite inconspicuous.

The silicone implant is most commonly placed under the pectoralis muscle, making it as inconspicuous as possible and reducing the risk of capsule hardening. The pectoral muscle protects and supports the implant, and the thickness of the pectoral muscle itself can continue to be affected by training. The procedure is always performed under anesthesia.


Breast augmentation in Delhi is performed day surgery, i.e., you can get home during the same day. If you wish, you can also stay overnight in our ward.

After breast augmentation surgery, support vests and, if necessary, a support strap are used around the clock for 3-4 weeks.

Recovery from surgery varies greatly depending on, among other things, the size of the implants placed and the elongation of the breast tissue. After the first week, light workers can usually return to work, heavy workers need 2-3 weeks of sick leave.

During the first week, you should avoid lifting heavy loads, driving or other activities that strain your chest muscles. Heavy sports should be avoided for about a month.

Scars form imperceptibly on the pectoral folds and reddish at the beginning after surgery. The scars will gradually fade within six months.

The stitches are self-adhesive and no separate stitch removal is required.

The final shape of the breasts is reached about 6 months after surgery.

It is a good idea to mention breast augmentation when booking a mammography examination. If the silicone implants are placed under the pectoralis muscle and are of a reasonable size, mammography examination and image interpretation will usually be successful. If silicone implants are placed over the chest muscle, they may prevent mammography. Alternatively, a magnetic resonance imaging or MRI scan can be performed.


In normal breast augmentation surgery, silicone implants do not break the chest ducts and thus the procedure does not affect breastfeeding. In some shape-correcting surgeries, the milk ducts have to be severed, which means that breastfeeding may not be successful after the operation, says the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi.

Mommy makeover: Recover your figure after pregnancy

Much is being heard lately about the “mommy makeover”, a trend that translated into our language comes to mean the “renewal, new look or remodeling of the mother”.

We are really talking about postpartum cosmetic surgery.

What physical changes occur during pregnancy?

And it is that everyone knows that motherhood entails physical and bodily changes that are sometimes undesirable:

  • the skin of the abdomen stretches and becomes saggy,
  • fat accumulates in the waist, cartridge belts, etc.,
  • the breasts lose their firmness, fall and lose their fullness, appearing empty, without turgidity…

The breasts during pregnancy and lactation undergo a series of changes aimed at the production of milk and are generally a remarkable development of the mammary gland, with an overall increase in size. Later that same gland atrophies by not having to perform that secretory function. As a consequence, there is a loss of volume in general, loss of firmness and “ptosis” or sagging of the breasts.

The abdomen, for its part, stretches to accommodate the baby, in such a way that its skin firmness is lost.

The abdominal muscles also undergo changes, just as the skin stretches, so do the abdominal muscles. A typical alteration of pregnancy is that the rectus abdominis muscles (those responsible for the so-called six-pack or chocolate bar) separate from the midline, maintaining this separation after delivery, which is called “diastasis recti”, and which causes an abdominal protrusion, a kind of tummy in the central area of ​​the abdomen, which occurs even in thin patients with good muscle tone.

These physical changes are sometimes difficult to fit into the framework of the demanding society in which we live today, where physical appearance, health, being “fit” or in good physical shape, have become some of the most important concerns. relevant to the population.

All these factors together mean that many moms, after having fulfilled their dream of being mothers, do not want to give up their previous physical appearance.

What is the Mommy Makeover?

The “mommy makeover” consists of a set of plastic and aesthetic surgery procedures, whose purpose is to return the mother to her previous appearance or alleviate the secondary body changes to the pregnancy process.

In the first place, a medical evaluation of the patient must be made, since in each one of them the needs will be different and the treatment must be individualized.

What are the surgeries used to improve the figure after childbirth?

The procedures that are usually included in the “mommy makeover” are abdominoplasty, repair of diastasis of the abdominal muscles, mammoplasty, and sometimes liposuction of certain lipid accumulations.

  • Abdominoplasty: The purpose of tummy tuck in Delhi is to restore firmness to the abdomen, eliminating excess skin and adipose tissue, as well as repairing the “diastasis” or separation of the rectus and restoring structure and function to these muscles.
  • The mammoplasty technique differs according to the characteristics of the patient: sometimes, breast augmentation in Delhi is needed, which have become atrophic after pregnancy, usually with prostheses; other patients will require a breast reduction in Delhi to reshape and reduce the size of their breast, and finally, one of the most demanded breast surgeries after pregnancy: mastopexy or “breast lift surgery in Delhi“, in which the breast is reshaped, getting it back its shape and position by lifting and reshaping it. This last technique is frequently carried out with the help of breast prostheses.
  • Finally, liposuction or liposculpture surgery varies depending on each patient and the possible accumulations of fat that may have developed during pregnancy and/or lactation. Liposuction in Delhi is a simple and optimal technique to treat accumulations of fat in a specific way. mentioned fat.

When is it advisable to undergo these procedures?

Despite the fact that news can be found in the press in which it is commented that there are certain procedures such as abdominoplasty that are performed in the same act of childbirth, specifically if it is a cesarean delivery, for best plastic surgeon in Delhi this is reckless for several reasons:

  • Increases the risk of postpartum complications.
  • The surgeries that make up the “mommy makeover” require rest and a series of strict care afterwards, and postpartum is probably not the best time to follow these recommendations, due to the new situation of the mother, who will have to direct her care and attention to the newborn.
  • In the postpartum there is a regression of the anatomical and physiological changes produced in pregnancy, with a progressive recovery of the tissues, for this reason the most reasonable thing is to wait a while for all the tissues to return to normality, on multiple occasions it will not be necessary to intervene in the patient.

Plastic surgeon in Delhi recommends undergoing these surgeries once the period of conception of the children is over, and at least 1 year after the last pregnancy, to perform the surgery in physical conditions of stability, both physical and psychological.

If you want information about this procedure, do not hesitate to contact plastic surgeon in Rohini.

Frequently asked questions about abdominoplasty

Throughout this post we will try to solve the most frequent questions about abdominoplasty in Delhi that are usually asked in the consultation.

All these issues and others that we have should always be discussed before this plastic surgery.

How long does the surgery take?

Approximately two to three hours.

It should be remembered that between the departure to the OT and the return should not be taken as the duration of the surgery.

Therefore, what is the surgical procedure is this that we indicate. It can take longer if combined with other procedures.

Can you use an epidural?

Abdominoplasty is usually done with general anesthesia, although in moderate cases it could be done if circumstances allow it with local anesthesia and sedation.

Being a long procedure, plastic surgeon in Delhi recommend general anesthesia for both our comfort and that of the patient.

Are tummy tucks and liposuction the same?

The tummy tuck in Delhi is intended to correct a loose abdomen. This is the main objective, so a specific technique is used for it.

Sometimes it happens that in addition to flaccidity there is excess fat. And that is when you have to resort to liposuction.

This is only used to eliminate excess fat, and is not only practiced on the gut. It is also used in other parts of the body such as double chin, arms or cartridge belts.

Abdominoplasty in Delhi is the intervention that is performed when there is excess skin and fat in the abdomen. A liposuction would aggravate the loss of redundant skin over the pubis. The skin tone, the amount of fat and the quality of the skin will make us recommend one or another intervention.

How is excess skin removed? Will the scar be visible?

There are different techniques and this influences the scar. The most common is a horizontal line that passes over the pubic hair, and extends from one hip to the other. This shape has been widely used with the use of the bikini, but currently we use a W-shape, which is better adapted to the current fashion of underwear and swimsuits, and leaves a better scar.

When the excess of tissues is great, the removal of the skin of the lower abdomen is total, in this case a reimplantation of the navel is carried out.

In cases where the defect is not very marked, a lesser technique can be performed, called miniabdominoplasty, with less skin resection and generally combined with liposuction in Delhi. The application of one or the other depends on the characteristics of each particular case.

If you have scars on the abdomen, can you have surgery?

If you have scars from previous operations and they are in the lower half of the belly there is no problem, in fact they can be removed during the operation. However, if they are located in the upper half then abdominoplasty is contraindicated.

What risks does it have?

When it comes to surgery, the risks exist. Bleeding, infection, and poor healing are some of the negative effects that can occur.

Occasionally, seromas appear or a small piece of skin is lost at the incision line. Very rarely, patients experience abdominal pain that lasts longer than the usual period. In other rare cases, blood clots form in the patient’s legs.

Remember that this information is intended to help you make an informed decision.

Before surgery, plastic surgeon will indicate the complete series of risks. Although tummy tuck is considered a very safe procedure, all decisions regarding this surgery must be made carefully.

If you want to get pregnant again, can you have a tummy tuck?

It is advisable that if you plan to have new pregnancies, you do so before surgery.

Anyway, once operated, you can have more children although the result of the intervention may be altered.

What requirements must the patient meet?

Most people who have become obese and then lost weight often have a residue of skin and fat left on the abdomen.

Fortunately, this condition can be corrected with a tummy tuck, which is a procedure that removes not only excess skin from the abdomen. But also that of the flanks, on the sides of the waist, and excess skin in the lower part of the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty is often recommended by plastic surgeon in Rohini after pregnancy, too. And in those people who for various reasons have a flaccid area and want to improve it.

What effect does tobacco have on the result?

Due to the great extension of the detachment and the dimensions of the area that is normally practiced in this type of intervention. It is important that smoking patients stop smoking at least three weeks before the operation.

The reason for this is that tobacco causes an alteration of the microcirculation that can seriously compromise the final result.

Will I be able to do sit-ups again?

One month after the surgery, you will be able to recover normal physical activity. The incorporation of abdominals should be gradual, like that of any other exercise.

Do lax or open abdominal muscles have a solution?

One of the muscular bands of the body is the so-called “rectus abdominis”. Which is the area that allows us to carry out movements such as the so-called “abdominals”.

Made up of two parts, these muscles are attached from the sternal bone and ribs to the pubic bone, forming an internal system that firmly supports the abdomen.

During pregnancy, these muscles separate to allow the baby to grow. After birth, these muscles often remain separated. Making it impossible to firm the lower abdomen with exercise, diet, or other non-surgical means.

With abdominoplasty, this condition, called diastasis recti abdominis, is treated by bringing the muscles back together and restoring their strength and tone.

Is the scar from the abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy large?

The scar from a tummy tuck depends on the patient, the problem to be treated, the technique used and the quality of the skin.

The scar that remains will always be hidden by the clothing or swimsuit chosen.

Will I have a lot of pain?

During the first days, the abdomen is swollen and you will have some discomfort that is controlled with medication and rest.

You will also have a limitation of mobility, which will be prolonged in time. According to the magnitude of the muscular reinforcement and to each patient in particular.

Does a tummy tuck remove stretch marks?

Stretch marks represent a big problem for many patients.

Depending on the distribution of the marks across the abdominal skin, most if not all of them can be removed during a tummy tuck.

This is because the skin of the lower abdomen (the exact place where stretch marks tend to concentrate) is removed during the procedure.

Gynecomastia Surgery: Know Everything about the Procedure


Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of breasts for men, and the problem is through excess breast tissue in the region. This disorder can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, very recurrent at puberty due to the various transformations that man goes through.

The increase in male breast tissue can manifest itself in different degrees, from a small bud to a full-formed breast. The change can be only one-sided, but it can also compromise both breasts.

In some cases, over time, the problem may go away on its own, but in others, male breast reduction in Delhi is necessary to reduce the breasts.

Main causes and symptoms

The main cause is due to hormonal changes that men go through, especially during puberty. Other factors may be related to excess glandular breast tissue, excess weight (accumulation of fat) or even some diseases, says plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Another cause that is not always taken into account is that some patients, in an attempt to gain muscle more quickly, use anabolic steroids indiscriminately, and one of the side effects is precisely the enlargement of the breasts.

Some patients with gynecomastia may experience breast pain, swelling, nodules, and breast discharge, explains plastic surgeon in Pitampura.

How Gynecomastia Surgery Works

The approach to gynecomastia surgery in Delhi must be twofold: first, to treat the developed mammary gland, and second, to the fat present in the chest.

The surgery aims to remove the breast tissue and excess fat that some patients have. Associated liposuction in Delhi can be performed, depending on the fat content of the breast and the quality of the skin.

To remove this fat, cosmetic surgeon in Delhi makes an incision in the axillary crease, and through liposuction in the chest region, the entire area is aspirated to reduce this fat tissue as a whole. After there is a regularity in the skin, a small incision is made in the areolar region (small circular area that surrounds the nipple), from where the gland that is located just below the areola is removed.

After the procedure, a drain is placed for an average of two days, and then removed. Then a retaining mesh is placed that puts pressure on the detached region for 30 days.

Classification of gynecomastia

Plastic Surgeon in Rohini classifies gynecomastia into three types, with their different degrees. Are they:

– Grade 1 gynecomastia: when a glandular mass appears around the areola. It is apparent with the contraction of the nipple and/or wearing tight clothes. Because it is small, it is easy to remove.

– Grade 2 gynecomastia: the breast is slightly larger than the previous grade. Here, gynecomastia begins to expand and reaches the chest area as well.

– Grade 3 gynecomastia: this is the one that has the largest amount of breast tissue. In addition, the breast is drooping due to the weight it has.

Results of gynecomastia surgery

The first results are already visible after 30 days, although swelling is common in the region. The final result occurs from four to six months.


Patients are released to return to work and normal study activities the day after surgery, taking simple painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for about five days. After 30 days, they are free to practice physical activity and return to their daily activities.

Imperceptible scars

The scars left by the surgery are practically imperceptible. Only in cases where the breast has grown exaggerated, the incisions will be larger, as well as your scars.

At Tandon Clinic, our patients receive all the care and guidance for gynecomastia surgery. Schedule an evaluation and answer your questions with our plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Tips For Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon in Delhi

Tips For Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon


When a person is going to undergo an intervention related to plastic surgery in Delhi, he has to go through a state of important reflection, since the operation will involve changes in his physiognomy with which he will have to live and those who should get used to it.

An advice to get your decision right

In the framework of this process of mental preparation for a physical change of these characteristics, the choice of a professional of the surgery that transmits confidence supposes a fundamental decision.

From the meetings prior to the surgical intervention, in which the details of the operation and the results are explained, it is essential that a relationship of maximum trust between doctor and patient be established. Therefore, the objective of this article is for the patient to assume the relevance of the decision he is going to make. We do not mean to undergo surgery, which is already clear, but the choice of the right plastic surgeon in Delhi.

At stake is the physical image of the next few years, so it is worth investing the time it takes to get the right plastic surgeon in Delhi to take charge of the operation in question. Therefore, we are going to offer some keys destined to count, in this sense, with valid elements of judgment.

In the first place, it is important to know which medical professionals are qualified to carry out a surgical intervention of this magnitude, which must be extraordinarily precise. In this aspect, we must bear in mind that the specific specialty of this professional is called Specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. This qualification implies that there is no specialty of Cosmetic Surgery, but you have to look for professionals who master Plastic Surgery.

Consequently, it is necessary to devote time to research about the degree of the plastic surgeon in Rohini. In addition, the realization of the training period and achievement of the MIR also provides important guarantees, which prove to carry out these complex interventions.

Apart, the aforementioned organization has a census in which the most reliable professionals in the specialty of Plastic Surgery have registered. This association, for its part, ensures the observance of an immaculate professional deontology.

The information you can get yourself

Apart from the work of previous documentation that the patient can perform, we have advanced that the meetings with the plastic surgeon in Pitampura can also offer an essential guidance about their worth.

Below, some of the inquiries, among others, that can be discovered through conversations with this:

  • Time in the exercise of the profession.
  • Checking photos before and after operations.
  • Use of anesthetics
  • Total price of the process.
  • Possibility of a second surgery.
  • Personal care.
  • Guarantee of the results.
  • Respect to the planned phases of the procedure.
  • Commitment to the postoperative period.
  • Manifestation of unexpected complications.


Why Choose Plastic Surgery And Who is Idle For It.

Why patients turn to plastic surgery

Going to a plastic surgeon in Delhi should not be a problem for anyone, leaving aside social pressure, complexes, and family pressure that this can generate. Reparative plastic surgery in Delhi deals with curing and correcting diseases, malformations, traumas, and aesthetic problems both acquired and contracted throughout our lives. Repairs after cancer or accident, tumors, moles, warts, burns, etc., are the most common cases of reparative plastic surgery. We must also know another branch of plastic surgery, plastic surgery, and aesthetics, where the patient seeks to obtain with it a general facial and body harmony in accordance with the social canons of beauty.

plastic surgery infographics

The external appearance is very important for any of us and we should not hesitate, when necessary, to go to the plastic surgeon in Rohini. Plastic surgery is a great ally to advance our lives and overcome many obstacles, both aesthetic and psychological, that is why more and more people are turning to this system, these being the most common cases for which a patient resorts to plastic surgery:

  • Over time:

As we get older, many people resist this inexorable step and try to overcome it with methods such as rejuvenating creams and various treatments, but none offer as many resources as plastic and cosmetic surgery in Delhi. That is why this practice has become so widespread, being one of the most common reasons why a patient comes to visit a center of aesthetics and plastic surgery. Who does not like to look younger and above others tell them?

  • Reconstructive surgery:

In these cases, surgery can help enormously, since it not only becomes a means to improve our figure or aesthetics, but it is an essential psychological repairing component. It is women who resort most to this surgery after suffering from certain diseases such as breast cancer. It is also used as a total or partial reconstructive method of part of the body after an accident or physical malformations.

  • Cosmetic surgery:

The competitive society in which we live leads many people to resort to this type of surgery. To look better before society, to look for a physique that fits with established social canons, fashion and especially beauty patterns oriented to a certain type of figure and body push many people to make this very personal decision.

There are many more reasons of special relevance for which plastic surgery is used, but those that we have commented are the most common and recurrent and that encompass most of the cases that we can find. But the most important of all is that if you go to surgery, either aesthetically or as a restorative measure, do it without fear or complex, choose the appropriate method and, above all, know how to choose well the center and the most appropriate plastic surgeon in Pitampura, because this is a very important decision in our lives and so we must raise it.

How to be a good candidate for plastic surgery

It is likely that you have thought that everyone is able to undergo plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery in Delhi, but it is not, there are some necessary requirements to be eligible for cosmetic surgery.

There are many people who think they can never have cosmetic surgery, but anyone with proper planning can undergo an aesthetic medicine procedure. It is true that there are many factors that can limit the chances of undergoing a surgical procedure of this type, so we should always talk to a plastic surgeon in Shalimar Bagh to ensure all the opportunities we have available.

One of the factors that can influence the most when it comes to undergoing cosmetic surgery is the fact of being a smoker. Many centers refuse to perform treatments for smoking patients, due to the possible risks associated with tobacco use. This makes some patients lie about their habit, which makes it a very dangerous fact since smoking can slow the healing process, and even increase the risks and complications of surgery by 300%. Therefore, if you are a smoker, a good idea is to stop smoking before surgery or at least bring this fact to the attention of your plastic surgeon in Ashok Vihar.

In addition, it is very important that, in the first consultation we have with our plastic surgeon in Punjabi Bagh, we mention all the medicines that we are consuming, whether they are prescribed or without a prescription. Medications can have unforeseen side effects, although they do not require a prescription, so we must inform our surgeon to avoid complications during surgery.

On the other hand, we must never forget that one of the best practices that we can count on to ensure access to cosmetic surgery is as accessible as eating in a balanced way, making an adequate diet. It has been shown that people who undergo a balanced and studied diet have a better prognosis in the healing process, they do it more quickly and avoid some complications.

If you are thinking about undergoing an aesthetic treatment, I invite you to leave doubts and communicate with me openly.

Although surgery can be scary, taking appropriate measures in advance, with good planning, and with adequate communication, it can be guaranteed that the operation is safer and free of unexpected events than if good prior coordination is not carried out.

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi For Better Shape

Breast augmentation in Delhi is a surgical procedure opted by women to enhance the size of breast by using silicone implant or physiological saline. After the surgery patients usually are happy with the result they get after augmentation.

Breast Implant

Why choose breast augmentation surgery?

People prefer this plastic surgery in Delhi to make their breasts look larger and improve the shape. Some women do not like the size of the breast when they compare it with their colleague or friends. Size of the breast can be decreased after pregnancy or when women age, or after weight loss. Breast implant in Delhi is the best option in such a case to enhance the size and shape of the breast. Women who have imbalanced breast size means one is bigger than another one, also prefer breast augmentation to balance the size of breasts.

What happens before the surgery?

A patient needs to meet plastic surgeon in Delhi to discuss why she wants breast augmentation and what you desire to have the size of the breast. Plastic surgeon in Rohini, Pitampura will inquire about any illness you have or any medication you are taking. The surgeon will examine your breasts and takes the photograph of your breast for the medical record. If you are overweight or thinking about becoming pregnant, plastic surgeon in Ashok Vihar, Shalimar Bagh may suggest you postpone the surgery for some time.

How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

During the surgery of breast augmentation in Delhi, implants are placed behind the breast or behind the muscle, the breasts stay on. Behind the breast, implant method is one of the most common options. And behind the muscle implant options gives more padding in slim women. A surgeon will discuss the option with you.

In breast augmentation surgery, implants are placed by a cut in the crease under the breast or by a cut in the armpit. After the surgery, plastic surgeon in Pitampura, Rohini may sometimes leave a drain to take away any fluid or blood. This drain is removed after a day or two.

About the implants

The outer layer of implant consists of silicone and inside it is filled with silicone gel or saline. Breast implant mostly lasts around 10 years but in some cases, it can be less.

Implant size

When you go for breast augmentation, mostly you make a plan to increase the size of breast how much. But you cannot decide the size of your breast after surgery, your plastic surgeon in Delhi will analyze the breast and size of the ribcage and your skin firmness to suggest you what size will suit to your personality and your body health.

Choosing a surgeon

If you make a mind to go for breast implant in Delhi, only choose the surgeon who is trained in breast augmentation and certified plastic surgeon in Delhi. Breast augmentation is a lifetime commitment. You must make sure that you are taking the right decision and understand the after effect of the implant.

Remove Under Eye Bag By Blepharoplasty in Delhi

The procedure of this plastic surgery in Delhi removes the bags of fat, excess skin and treats the muscle in the upper and lower eyelids. It corrects the drooping upper eyelids and the bags in the lower ones that give that aspect of old age and fatigue and that can even hinder vision. It does not correct the so-called crow’s feet or the position of the eyebrows. It can be done in isolation or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgery in Delhi. They can be done by men and women of any age in good health, psychologically stable and realistic in their expectations. It also helps younger people with hereditary conditions of drooping eyelids and familiar palpebral bags.


Planning of this plastic surgery

The plastic surgeon in Delhi will evaluate the situation indicating the objectives to be achieved. He will find out the health condition and visual problems. If necessary, an ophthalmologist will also make an evaluation. The plastic surgeon in Rohini, Pitampura will explain everything necessary and the patient should consult and raise all their concerns.

The procedure of this plastic surgery in Delhi can generally be performed on an outpatient basis.

It will depend on the anaesthesia used and if other plastic surgeries will be performed at the same time.

Procedure of this plastic surgery:

The blepharoplasty in Delhi takes one to two hours depending on the extent of it. The incisions are usually made in the natural groove of the upper eyelids and under the line of the eyelashes in the lower eyelids. Through them the muscle is worked and excess fat is removed. The excesses of skin are then removed and the incisions are sutured with a very fine material. If there are only bags in the lower eyelids, without excess skin, a transconjunctival technique can be used without the need to make more than one incision inside the lower eyelid, leaving no scars.

Anaesthesia in surgery

Usually in this plastic surgery local anaesthesia is used combined with sedatives that will keep the person sleepy.

Will be conscious but relaxed and the eyelids will be insensitive to pain.

Post-operative surgery

After this plastic surgery, an ointment and a thin cloth are applied to each eyelid. The eyes are not covered and the person can see at all times.

There is no significant discomfort after this surgery and it is handled with an adequate medication.

The specialist, plastic surgeon in Delhi, will indicate to keep the head up a couple of days. Also, for a few days there will be swelling around the eyes and an abnormal face that will recover in one or two weeks. There are personal variations in the recovery processes. It is advisable to use eye drops the first few weeks to avoid the sensation of dry eye, burning and greater sensitivity to light.
Points are removed before the first week.

The person can get up the day after the surgery but should avoid reading or watching television for 2 or 3 days. You will not be able to wear contact lenses for two weeks and it will be uncomfortable for some time. You must rest with light activity the first week. Women can put on makeup after a week to disguise the ecchymosis or bruises. The plastic surgeon in Shalimar Bagh, Ashok Vihar will give specific instructions on when to resume activities. During the first two weeks you should avoid physical effort, alcohol, steam baths, saunas, etc. Most patients return to their usual activities between 7 and 10 days after the operation.

There are medical situations in which blepharoplasty means an increased risk. Diseases such as hypothyroidism and Graves disease. Also, the dry eye. Retinal detachment and glaucoma require a prior ophthalmological evaluation to decide on this plastic or aesthetic surgery.